
What is the meaning of "b'Libi Tzafanti"?


Rashi: I did not allow it to be forgotten from me. Radak - it is hidden in my heart.


Malbim: Refer to 119:11:2:3.


What are "Imrasecha"?


Radak (1): Amirah and Dibur are a Klal for all Mitzvos; they also refer to Hashem's promises.


Why does it say "Lema'an Lo Echeta Lach"?


Radak: One who forgets, he sins (errs) in a Mitzvah.


Malbim: Even though "Lo Pa'alu Avlah" because "they went in your ways" (3), Chet is possible. The source of Avlah is in the ways of understanding. Chet is leaning away from the ways of Chachmah. "Ein Tzadik ba'Aretz Asher Ya'aseh Tov v'Lo Yecheta" (Koheles 7:20), for Chisaron (lack) clings to a person naturally. Knowing Hashem's ways and what is Avlah via understanding do not prevent this; lust or pride can overpower. The only solution is if Hashem's utterances are hidden in his heart and engraved in its tablets. The heart rules; if a sin crosses one's mind, and the heart finds Hashem's word forbidding it, it will not let the thought rule over the heart.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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