
What is the meaning of "Tzimsasni Kin'asi"?


Rashi: The Kin'ah that I am zealous for Your name against those who forget Your words, it is Tzomes (subdues) me and angers me against them.


Radak: My jealousy almost consumes me, when I see that my afflicters forgot Your words, as if You did not command them, and I see them succeeding - "Ki Kineisi ba'Holelim Shelom Resha'im Er'eh" (73:3).


Malbim: Even though [I know that You are faithful to give to everyone what he deserves], I have Kin'ah for Chilul Kevod Hashem. Since You are patient with Resha'im, my afflicters forgot Your words; they say that there is no Hashgachah, reward or punishment.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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