
Why does it say "Chatzos Laylah Akum"?


Radak #1: I awaken and rise from my bed to thank You for Your straight and righteous Mishpatim. I compose Mizmorim to thank You, when I rise.


Radak #2: Some say that [I thank You for] Your righteous judgment of Resha'im. Malbim - the verse depicts night to be when Hashem exacts judgment on Resha'im - "v'Hafach Laylah v'Yidaka'u" (Iyov 34:25), "ba'Chatzi ha'Laylah va'Shem Hikah Kol Bechor" (Shemos 12:29).


Malbim: The need to sleep did not stop me [from doing Mitzvos]. I always rise at midnight to thank You for Your righteous Mishpatim!


Below (147), it says "Kidamti va'Neshef va'Ashave'ah" (he rose at the beginning of the night)!


Brachos 3b: In our verse, David says that he was never sleeping when midnight arrived.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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