
Why does it say "Masa Devar Hashem"?


Rashi: This finishes the matter that it began ? the punishment of those who consumed Yisrael ? Bavel and similar [nations].


Radak: After mentioning the punishment of Yisrael and Churban ha'Aretz twice, he prophesizes about the good of Yisrael and the punishment of the nations.


Malbim: After prophesizing about Bayis Sheni, he prophesizes about the end of days.


Why does it say "Ne'um Hashem Noteh Shamayim v'Yosed Aretz"?


Radak: He created Shamayim and Aretz, and all is in His hand to destroy, build and plant.


Why does it mention "v'Yotzer Ru'ach Adam b'Kirbo"?


Radak: This is like Yeshayah did ? "v'Adam Aleha Barasi" (45:12). I exiled Yisrael, and I can raise them from Galus and take vengeance on their enemies.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: This is put next to "Noteh Shamayim v'Yosed Aretz", for man is a small world compared to Shamayim and Eretz, which are a big world. We find Yetzirah only regarding something tangible that can be sensed, unlike Ru'ach. Yotzer refers to forming the Kelim (limbs) of the body, which receive strength of the Ru'ach ? the brain and heart.


Malbim: Man's Ru'ach in his body is the connection between Shamayim and Eretz. The body is from the ground, and the Ru'ach is from the supreme beings. In this way, he was created in the form of the big world. The entire upper and lower worlds are included in him and were created for him. He is the purpose of the entire world, and he goes on the path of perfection for the entire existence. Therefore, Hashem plans that he not be cast off [from this path] and he will be built in a perfect building when the time of Tikun comes.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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