
What is "Even Ma'amasah"?


Rashi: It is a heavy rock that the ruler imposed on people to carry it on their shoulders. Radak ? Yerushalayim is additionally compared to a heavy rock, to teach that all who toil to fight against Yerushalayim will be stricken. Ma'amasah is like "va'Ya'amos Ish Al Chamoro" (Bereishis 44:13), "va'Amusim Al ha'Chamorim" (Nechemyah 13:15) ? a load.


Malbim: Malchus Yishmael, which will rule in Yerushalayim, will stand against those who besiege it. They will want to lift Yerushalayim on their shoulders, i.e. keep it in their Reshus. However, it will be a heavy, sharp rock that scratches the flesh.


What do we learn from "Sarot Yisaretu"?


Rashi: It is so heavy that anyone who carries it, Yisaretu 1 .


Radak: When they lift it off the ground to put it on their shoulders, it will make Seritos (scratches) on their hands.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will be plundered.


His skin peels (Metzudas Tziyon) or is scratched (Malbim).


Why does it say "v'Ne'esfu Aleha Kol Goyei ha'Aretz"?


Malbim: This is why they will be scratched ? because all nations will gather against it. The Yishmaelim are called Amim, and those who join with Gog and Magog are called Goyim, which are inferior to Amim. They are lowly commoners.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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