
Why will Hashem strike every horse?


Rashi: This is for those who wanted to besiege Yerushalayim.


Why will Hashem open His eyes on Yehudah?


Rashi: They were forced to besiege ? therefore I will oversee to shield them from this affliction [Radak ? even though they are amidst the nations, who are afflicted].


Malbim: When they go to conquer Yerushalayim, Bnei Yisrael in Galus Edom will be in danger. Hashem will guard them, lest they perish in the terror.


It already said that He will strike the horses with "Timahon". Why does it add "Ivaron"?


Radak: Timahon is in the heart. Ivaron is in the eyes.


Malbim: For the Goyim who come against Yerushalayim, He will strike the horses with Timahon and the rider with lunacy. Just like a lunatic acts with imagination, without counsel of intellect, so their gathering is without intellect and an arranged purpose. He will strike the Amim's (Yishmaelim's) horses with Ivaron, so they will not see whom they fight, and man will kill his brother 1 .


If only the horses are blinded, why will a man kill his brother? (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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