What do we learn from "Bikesh Koheles [Limtzo Divrei Chefetz
Torah Temimah citing Rosh Hashanah 21b: He wanted to be like Moshe. A Bas Kol (voice from Heaven) told him "v'Chasuv Yosher Divrei Emes" - "v'Lo Kam Navi Od b'Yisrael k'Moshe" (Devarim 34:10).
Rav Sadya Gaon: In everything, his intent was to reach what is desired, what is written straightly and is truly accepted.
Rashi: He put to his heart to the matter, and found
What are "Divrei Chefetz"?
Rashi: They are traditions from Sinai 1 . Rid - and Gezeiros Shavos 2 , Kal v'Chomer and all the Kabalos in the Mishnah and Talmud. In the days of the Nevi'im, they were learned orally.
Ibn Ezra: It is supreme Chachmah - why matters were created the way they were.
Rashbam: Good things of desire.
What is "v'Chasuv Yosher Divrei Emes"?
Rashi: They are written Torah and Nevi'im 1 .
Rashbam: He wanted to write Seforim of straight words and Emes.
Rid: Divrei Emes are Divrei Torah. He wanted to write them straightly, lest people stumble in them. If not for [Divrei Chefetz - refer to 12:10:2:1], people would not understand Torah properly.
Metzudas David: He sought what is written straight, without fraud, and Emes without mistake. From this, he understood what he understood.
Written Torah includes Nevi'im! If it is only Chumash, why did Rashi mention Nevi'im, but not Kesuvim? (PF)