What do we learn from "Sof Davar ha'Kol Nishma [Es ha'Elokim Yera]"?
Brachos 6b: If someone fears Shamayim, his words are heard.
Targum: Everything done in [this] world covertly, in the future it will be publicized and made known to all people.
Rav Sadya Gaon: In the end of a matter, all is heard from it.
Ibn Ezra: I already made you hear everything, or you heard it from the argument of Chachamim.
Rashbam: The end of all Chachmah is included in this.
Rid: I tell you the end and purpose of the matter; everything is heard (inferred) from this.
Seforno: The end and purpose of everything said above. Everything was heard already at Matan Torah.
Metzudas David: Everything that man does, Hashem hears it. Nothing is withheld from Him!
Why is the Samech in "Sof" big?
R. Avigdor #1: Setom (seal) your heart from sinning and questioning Hashem's deeds.
R. Avigdor #2: The Gematriya of Samech is 60, corresponding to the 60 1 Masechtos of the Talmud - "ha'Lo Cho Devarai ka'Esh" (Yirmeyah 23:29).
Bamidbar Rabah (18:21), the Zohar and many say so. Our count is 63! If the three Bavas count as one Maseches (like Rav Yosef, Bava Kama 102a) there are 61. Torah Temimah (Shir ha'Shirim 6:5) counts Shabbos and Eruvin as one; Margoliyos ha'Yam (Avodah Zarah 2a) counts Sanhedrin and Makos as one; Alei Tamar (Makos 1:3) says so for the Yerushalmi. Makos 2a implies that the Bavli disagrees (PF); Midrash Rabah is the Agada of [Chachmei] Eretz Yisrael (Rashi Bereishis 47:2).
How does one fear Hashem?
Rashi: Do what you can (Rashbam - do His Mitzvos), and your heart should be to Shamayim.
Seforno: Understand His grandeur via true investigation in His Torah.
Metzudas David: Do not transgress what He warned not to do.
What is the significance of "Es ha'Elokim Yera v'Es Mitzvosav Shemor"?
R. Avigdor: The six words correspond to the six Sedarim of the Mishnah.
Seforno: In deed, intend to guard His Mitzvos for His honor.
What do we learn from "Ki Zeh Kol ha'Adam"?
Shabbos 30b #1: The entire world was created only for this (fearing Hashem and doing his Mitzvos). Rav Sadya Gaon, Rid - it is the purpose of the creations.
Shabbos 30b #2: This is worth as much as the entire world.
Shabbos 30b #3: The entire world was created to be company for one who fulfills this.
Ibn Ezra: This returns to what it said, that man in his lifetime and in his death is Hevel; this happens to all people. The primary purpose of man is to return to fear Hashem.
R. Avigdor: There are 10 letters, corresponding to Aseres ha'Dibros.
Seforno: What you find and understand in His Kadosh Torah, it is the purpose of all man's powers. He is not a mere living being; he has intellect and choice.
Metzudas David: What we said above, what occurs to man in his lifetime and in his death, this is for everyone, without exception. Therefore, be very careful with His Mitzvos!