To whom do Yeruba'al and b'Dan refer?
Rashi: They refer to Gid'on, and Shimshon (who was from Dan), respectively.
Why does it mention specifically these saviors (Moshe and Aharon above, Gid'on, Shimshon, Yiftach and Shmuel)?
Rashi (from Rosh Hashanah 25b): Ha'Kasuv (the verses) put them together, to equate three Kalei Olam (trifling leaders) with three greats of the world, to teach that a lowly leader in his generation is like a great leader in his generation. Any Beis Din appointed over its generation, you must follow it as if it were the greatest.
Why was Shimshon mentioned before Yiftach? He was after him!
Radak: Shimshon was greater than Yiftach.
Malbim: It puts first Gid'on and Shimshon, who saved Yisrael after va'Yimkor (the enemy totally ruled over them), and after Yiftach and Shmuel, who saved Yisrael when va'Yilachamu Bam (the enemy merely made war).
Verse 9 mentioned Mo'av among the afflicters, but not Amon. Why does it mention here Yiftach, who saved from Amon, and not Ehud, who saved from Mo'av?
Malbim: Amon and Mo'av were united at the time of Yiftach. ("Mo'av" refers to the affliction of Melech Amon, and not to Eglon.)
Why did Shmuel say "Shmuel", and not "Osi (me)"?
Radak: Sometimes verses do so, e.g. "Neshei Lemech" (Bereishis 4:23) and "Ale El Hashem" (Shemos 24:1).
Radak citing Yalkut Shimoni Tehilim 841 (90): This was a Nevu'ah that Hashem put in Shmuel's mouth. He did not know what he prophesies.
Rashi writes that ha'Kasuv equates three Kalei Olam with three greats of the world. Perhaps Shmuel mentioned himself in the verse with the Kalim amidst his humility!
Chomas Anach: Refer to 12:11:5:2.