Why did he say "Zakanti va'Savti"?
Rashi citing Ta'anis 5b: Old age sprang upon me.
Radak: Seivah is older than Ziknah. 1
Why did Shmuel die young?
Radak: He himself chose to die before Sha'ul.
Radak (1:12, 22, from Midrash Shmuel 2:9): "B'Chol Etzev Yihyeh Mosar" (Mishlei 14:23) - because Chanah prayed much, and said "va'Yashav Sham Ad Olam", Shmuel's life was shortened (he lived only 50 years after he was taken to Eli).
What is the meaning of "u'Vanai Hinam Itchem"?
Radak: They are for your needs, for Divrei Torah and laws that they received from me.
Malbim: My sons did not inherit my greatness. They are like [any] one of the nation
Why did he say "I went in front of you from my youth?"?
Malbim: It was not proper to depose me. I did not slacken from serving the Tzibur, and I did not pervert the verdict.
Rashi writes that old age sprang upon Shmuel. What is the reason?
Radak: Lest people say that he died young, he looked old; not everyone knew his age (he died at 52).
Malbim: It is due to the great work he did for the Tzibur, and the yoke of the Tzibur.