
Why did he pray? Hashem already said that the baby will die?


Radak: Hashem could decide to be gracious and spare the baby, like David said (verse 22). Even though it was a punishment for his sin, he received [other] great punishments - the sword will not depart from your house, v'Shachav Im Nashecha. He prayed to remove the punishment of the baby.


Malbim: Tefilah can help even after a decree. Even though the decree was a punishment for his sin, he thought to cleanse his sin through affliction and fasting.


What is the meaning of "u'Va v'Lan v'Shachav Artzah"?


Rashi: He came to the house and spent the night lying on the floor. 1


Radak, Malbim: Also at night he did not eat. During the day he prayed in Beis Hashem (Malbim - he fasted in front of the Aron).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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