Why does it say "ha'Yoshvi"?
Rashi: The Yud at the end is extra.
Why do his eyes look to Hashem?
Radak: He looks for help only to Hashem.
Malbim: One who looks for Hashem to save him via natural means, he puts his heart to Hashem and his eyes to the means via which he hopes for help. One who prays must put his heart below and his eyes above (Yevamos 105b). I.e. one who prays for worldly needs, even though his eyes are below on lowly things, in any case his heart must be above, to the Conductor who does everything. However, I put my eye only to You, to choose the means of salvation - not via means of the lower world, rather, since You dwell in Shamayim and conduct and move the Ma'arachah.