
What is the meaning of "v'Nipatztim Ish El Achiv"?


Rashi: I will strike one on the other until they break into small pieces. This is like "ki'Chli Yotzer Tenapetzem", "v'Nipetz Es Olalayich" (Tehilim 2:9, 137:9). Every Nipetz in Tanach is like this.


Malbim: Like one who shatters a Nevel into tiny pieces, [so will be shattered and separated a man from his brother, and fathers from sons].


What is "veha'Avos veha'Banim Yachdav"?


Rashi: I will strike one on the other.


Malbim: Refer to 13:14:1:2.


What is the difference between Echmol, Achus and Arachem?


Malbim: Rachamim is only on people 1 . Chemlah and Chus are also on other matters. Chus is due to need for the matter, like "v'Einechem Al Tachos Al Kleichem" (Bereishis 45:20); Chemlah is due to [concern for] the matter itself; he sees that it is good and complete, and is loathe to destroy it due to it itself.


"V'Rachamav Al Kol Ma'asav" (Tehilim 145:9) is not limited to people! Rebbi (Bava Metzi'a 85a) applied it to rodents! Brachos 3:5 implies that Rachamim applies to birds! This requires investigation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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