
Why did He say "Asher Kanisa Asher Al Masnecha"?


Malbim: You have two connections to it - acquisition, and it is on your loins. Remove it! The Kinyan corresponds to "Avadai Hem Asher Hotzeisi Osam me'Eretz Egypt" (Vayikra 25:42) - they went to the Paras and returned to be slaves of Pharaoh. You wore it on your loins - I clothed them for praise and glory, and they hid themselves in crevices in rocks.


Why should he go to the Pras river?


Radak (1): It is the border of Eretz Yisrael. This shows that when they leave Eretz Yisrael to go to Bavel, their splendor will be destroyed.


Malbim: It is on the way to Egypt 1 . There they hid themselves in crevices in rocks. This is a metaphor for their shame.


Avraham was promised "mi'Nehar Egypt Ad... Nehar Pras" (Bereishis 15:18), i.e. they are on opposite sides of Eretz Yisrael! Egypt is to the southeast, and Bavel is northwest! Do not say that 'Egypt' is a printing mistake; it should say 'Bavel'. Malbim continues 'they went to the Pras, and returned to be slaves of Pharaoh!' This requires investigation. (PF)


What is "Nekik ha'Sela"?


Radak (1): It is a crevice in a rock.


Radak (1, citing Targum Yonasan): It is a barren rock.


Why should he hide it in a crevice in a rock?


Malbim: This parallels Yisrael, who did not heed Hashem's word and rebukes, and did not wash from their filth, and it was not proper for Hashem to 'wear' Yisrael.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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