
How did Hashem know you in the Midbar?


Rashi: I put My heart to know your needs, and I supplied you. Radak - there is no sustenance in the Midbar, and still I supplied your needs - you should have known Me!


Malbim: Even after taking you out of Egypt, I knew you with My Hashgachah, to supply everything that you lacked.


What is "[b'Eretz] Tal'uvos"?


Rashi: There is nothing like this in Tanach. From context it is Tal (a mound) she'Ovin Bo (that they hope) from it all good, and they do not find it. (Targum Yonasan is like this.)


Radak: It is a thirsty, dry land - a Midbar. My father supported this from Arabic.


Malbim: It is a land where you could survive only via constant miracles - the manna, well and cloud. They were only from Me - miracles are only from Hashem!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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