
What is the meaning of "Al Udos ha'Ra'ah


Rashi: Do not do this evil.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is like Al Udos (due to this evil). Malbim - this (expelling me) is evil due to your first evil. The Torah obligates one who rapes a Besulah 1 to marry her, and he may never divorce her [against her will].


The Torah says so only for a Na'arah. It seems that Tamar was much older; refer to 13:1:3:1 and the note there. Perhaps even though she was a Bogeres, it is Ratzon ha'Torah that he marry her. Bo'az insisted that the one who redeems Elimelechs's field must also marry Rus (Rus 4:5) "Lehakim Shem ha'Mes", even though Yibum did not apply (Machlon's only brother was dead, and it seems that Rus converted only after Machlon died! - PF)


How was this evil greater than the first?


Radak: Now he shamed her publicly. The Zenus was in private.


Ralbag (15): He sent her out in disgrace, and would not talk to her. We learn from here that this is hatred. "V'Hu Lo Sonei Lo Mitmol Shilshom" (Devarim 4:42) - if he did not speak to him for three days, he is not exiled for killing him b'Shogeg (Sanhedrin 27b; we assume that he was Mezid).


Why does it say "Lishmo'a Lah"? Verse 14 said "Lishmo'a b'Kolah"!


Malbim: Before, he still loved her; he heard her, just he did not accept her words. Now he hated her, and did not want to hear her at all.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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