How can it say "Zeh Levado Yavo l'Yaravam El Kaver"? It says about Yaravam himself "va'Yishkav Im Avosav" (verse 20)!
Malbim: No other of his sons will come to the grave [site] that Yaravam dug for his family. Our verse teaches that Yaravam himself will be buried! Mishbetzos Zahav - he needed to be buried 1 , in order to fulfill the Nevu'ah "Yoshiyah
If he were not buried, even if animals would not eat his bones, how would Yoshiyah ha'Melech know where his bones are, to burn them? (PF)
What good thing did he do?
Rashi (like one opinion in Mo'ed Katan 28b): His father appointed him to guard that people not ascend [to Yerushalayim] for the Regel; he abandoned his guarding, and ascended.
Radak (like one opinion in Mo'ed Katan 28b): His father appointed guards to stop people from ascending for the Regel; he nullified them.
Why does it say "b'Veis Yaravam"?
Malbim: Even though he was not a Tzadik, this was a big merit, for he was in Beis Yaravam. They enticed him and tried to stop him from doing good, and he stood up against them.