
Why did he tell her to take bread, Nikudim and honey?


Radak (2): The custom was to give a gift to a Navi when coming to ask from him, like Sha'ul said to his youth "Mah Navi l'Ish ha'Elokim" (Shmuel I, 9:7). Malbim - a Navi's attendant would not let someone enter without a gift.


Malbim: Also this helped to disguise her. A king would not give bread and Nikudim; a villager would give them!


What are "Nikudim"?


Rashi: It is a kind of parched grain dried in an oven. They make flour from it to make a food called Shesisa (Brachos 38a).


Targum Yonasan: Kisnin. Radak - Chachamim call this Pas ha'Ba b'Kisnin 1 (Brachos 42a). It is like dry pretzels; people consume them in the banquet house.


Shulchan Aruch (OC 168:7) gives two other Perushim of this. (a) It has pockets filled with honey, sugar, nuts, almonds and spices. (b) The dough was kneaded with honey, oil, milk, or spices, and baked.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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