What is the Chidush "v'Nas'u Avonam"?
Malbim: Also one who accepts his Nevu'ah will receive their punishment. They have no excuse that they deceived them ? refer to 14:10:2:3.
What do we learn from "ka'Avon ha'Doresh ka'Avon ha'Navi"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Like the liability of one who comes to teach and does not teach, so will be the liability of the false Nevi'im.
Radak: This is like "ka'Am ka'Kohen ka'Eved ka'Donav" (Yeshayah 24:2). The Doresh is like mentioned above ? he seeks true Nevi'im, and his heart is evil.
Ma'alos ha'Torah: One who expounds Torah ? if he knows how to expound, fine. If not, he is punished immediately.
Malbim: Also the one who asks will be punished, for he should not have sought the false Nevi'im.