
How does evil push off a Rasha?


R. Yonah: This is like "Temoses Rasha Ra'ah" (Tehilim 34:22), "Ki Sheva Yipol Tzadik v'Kam u'Resha'im Yikashlu v'Ra'ah" (below, 24:16). He does not stand after one mishap.


Malbim: A Rasha, even when he is at a high level, he is pushed off from his place to the pit (Gehinom). This is for his harm; his own evil caused it.


What is the meaning of "v'Choseh v'Moso Tzadik"?


Rashi: When a Tzadik dies, he is sure that he will go to Gan Eden.


R. Yonah: It goes without saying that a Tzadik trusts at a time of evil that it will not push him off. Even at the time of death, he trusts in Hashem to save his Nefesh from death - "u'Tzedakah Tatzil mi'Maves" (10:2), "Yachshoch Nafsho Mini Shachas" (Iyov 33:18). Yeshayah told Chizkiyah "Ki Mes Atah v'Lo Sichyeh" (Melachim II, 20:1), and Chizkiyah prayed [and received another 15 years]. He said, I have a tradition from my father's house (David) that a person should not despair from Hashem's mercy even if a sword is on his neck! (Berachos 10a)


Malbim: Not only is a Tzadik not pushed off in his lifetime - also in his death, he is sheltered in Hashem and in the shade of His wings.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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