
How will Chachmah "Tanu'ach"?


Rashi: It will dwell and be serene. This is an expression of Menuchah and Margo'a.


R. Yonah #1: He engages in Chachmah due to its great attribute, and recognizes the glory of its grandeur. It is hidden with him, and he puts his heart to it like a storehouse for pearls. He teaches it only to proper people. He says only what is proper in its time. Even if his level of Chachmah is not known to people, he rejoices over it like one who found great treasure.


R. Yonah #2: Sometimes Chachmah rests in a Navon's heart, e.g. when he is amidst Kesilim. He will not cast pearls in front of them. It is as if it says Tanu'ach Chachmah bi'Hyoso Bein ha'Kesilim. It is not known verbally, but even so, it is known via his conduct.


Malbim: A Chacham received the laws of Chachmah from his Rebbeyim, and does not understand their reason. When Chachmah comes in his heart, he guards its laws. When come images of desire and folly, which oppose the laws of Chachmah, there is a heavy war in his heart (the ruling power); Chachmah has no rest from fighting these images. A Navon understands a matter amidst another matter. He understands the laws of Chachmah via his Tevunah. He knows how to subdue the Yetzarim of the heart that argue with Chachmah. Sechel and Binah shield it. Chachmah has rest from its enemies.


What is known amidst Kesilim?


Rashi: The small amount of Chachmah in his heart announces this. One coin in a flask makes a loud noise 1 (Bava Metzi'a 85b).


R. Yonah #1: Kesilim's Chachmah. They never hide it. They speak about it amidst Kesilim and at improper times. They do not desire Chachmah, rather, to be honored. Their primary toil in it is so people will know that they learned Chachmah.


R. Yonah #2: A Navon's Chachmah, even though he does not publicize it or speak about it, Kesilim recognize it via his conduct and motions. He does not frolic like Kesilim, nor engage in their hated conversation and evil talk, nor do like their deeds. His Midos and conduct are unlike theirs. Chachmah separates him from them; he is not drawn after them. This is like myrrh - its smell is noticed more in a place of filth.


Malbim: Desire and the Yetzer overpower in Kesilim. They expel Chachmah from the heart; it is not found in their hearts. Chachmah is known among them, for they use it for evil and go opposite to the ways of Chachmah. A Kesil knows the laws of Chachmah, just they are not in his heart. Desire and the Yetzer expel Chachmah from ruling in his heart.


R. Yonah: When a coin is in a wallet, a proper place for it, it is silent.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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