Who actually Shechted the bird?
Sifra (citing R. Yehudah b'R. Yossi) and Targum Yonasan: The Kohen issued the command and somebody else Shechted the bird. 1
What are the implications of "Veshachat es ha'Tzipor ha'Echas"?
Sifra: It implies the better of the two birds.
Sifra: It implies that there must be a second bird, and that consequently, if one of them dies, one must pick a second bird to make up the pair.
Sifra: " ... es ha'Tzipor ha'Echas el K'li ... " implies that one may not Shecht two birds (of two Metzora'im) into one K'li Cheres. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 35.
What is the Shi'ur of spring-water that is required?
Rashi: A Revi'is (not more) so that the blood of the bird will be discernible in the water. 1
See Sifsei Chachamim.
Why does the Torah invert the order
Sotah, 15b: To compare the K'li to the water
What are the implications of "Mayin Chayim"?