What are the implications of "Veyashav mi'Chutz le'Ohalo ... "?
Rashi (citing the Sifra) and Targum Yonasan: It implies that he is forbidden to be intimate with his wife 1 for the next seven days. 2
Nega'im,14:2: It implies a. that the Mitaher is forbidden to return to his house,and b. that he is forbidden to be intimate with his wife
Rashi (in Pesachim, 67b): "Ohalo", 'Zu Ishto', as the Pasuk says in Devarim 5:27 - "Shuvu lachem le'Ohaleichem" (Moshav Zekenim).
Moshav Zekenim: This is because he is like someone who has been excommunicated.
What are the ramifications of "Vetaher"?
Seforno: He is now purified from the obligation of remaining outside the camp.
Rashi writes that he is forbidden intimacy. Why did the Mishnah (Megilah 8b) not list this among the differences between a Musgar and a Muchlat?