What is the meaning of the term "Ad Anah Yena'atzuni "?
Rashi: It means 'How far (To what extent will they anger Me?' 1
Seforno: It means 'Until what limit will I tolerate their putting Me to shame?'
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means ?Until when will they anger Me?'
Oznayim la'Torah (citing Midrash Rabah): The Torah only writes "Ad Anah" when something has happened twice - and indeed they 'angered 2 Him twice; once when they described the Manna as 'Lechem ha'Kelokel', 3 and once here, where Hashem caused the Cana'anim to die in order to turn their attention away from the spies and they claimed that it is a land that kills its inhabitants.
What did Hashem mean when He added "be'Chol ha'Osos asher Asisi be'Kirbo"?