What does redeeming the Ma'aser Sheini achieve?
Refer to Vayikra, 27:31:2:1.
What are the implications of "Vetzarta ha?Kesef " ? as opposed to "ve'Lakachta ha?Kesef??
Bava Metzi'a, 54a: It implies that, when redeeming Ma'aser Sheini, one must use minted coins, and not unminted discs. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 61.
Why does the Torah repeat the word "ha'Kesef", when it could have written "Vetzarta oso be'Yadcha"?
B?choros, 51b: To teach us that one may only redeem Ma'aser Sheini with money and not with 'Shaveh Kesef' (something that has an intrinsic value). 1
See Torah Temimah, note 63.
What is the 'Hey' in "ha'Kesef" coming to include?
Kidushin, 11b: It permits using P'rutah coins 1 to redeem Ma'aser Sheini.
Seeing as ?Kesef? intrinsically means silver (cons).
What are the implications of the word "Vetzarta ha'Kesef be'Yadcha"?
Bava Metzi'a, 42a #1: It teaches us that, when traveling with someone else's money slung over one's shoulder, one is liable for theft or loss - even if it is wrapped - unless one is holding it in one's hand. 1
Bava Metzi'a, 42a #2: It teaches us that one should always have money handy - and not put it all away for safekeeping. 2
Bava Metzi'a, 88b: It teaches us that one may not redeem Ma'aser Sheini with money that is not currently under the owner?s jurisdiction. 3