What is the word "ve'Chol Beheimah" coming to include?
Chulin, 69a: It comes to include a fetus that one finds - alive or dead - inside the mother after it has been Shechted. 1
Bechoros, 77b: It comes to include the after-birth (or the placenta) provided it is still still entirely inside the mother.
See Torah Temimah, note 16.
What is the meaning of "Mafreses Parsah" and "Shosa'as Shesa Sh'tei P'rasos"?
Refer to Vayikra, 11:3:1:1 & 11:3:2:2.
Why does the Torah insert "Mafreses Parsah" and "Shosa'as Shesa Sh'tei P'rasos" here?
Chulin, 69b: Refer to 14:6:0.1:1. The Torah is confining the Heter to where the fetus is an animal, bit precludes a bird - even a Tahor one - which does not have split hooves
What are the implications of the word "Ma'alas Geirah ba'Beheimah"?
Rashi: It implies an animal within an animal - to teach us that one may eat a fetus that one finds inside a Shechted animal.
What is "Osah Tocheilu" coming to teach us?
Rashi (in Pasuk 20): It comes to add an Asei on to the La'av against eating non-Kasher animals. Refer to 14:20:1:1*.
Chulin, 69a: It comes to confine the Heter to eat what one finds inside a Shechted animal to a fetus, where the body of the mother remains whole, but precludes the spleen or kidneys that render it lacking.
Avodah Zarah, 77a: Refer to 14:6:0.1:2. It precludes the fetus if prt of it has already left the mother's body.