
After how long would he cut his hair?


Radak (citing Nazir 4a): He was a Nazir Olam. When his hair becomes heavy upon him after 12 months, he may lighten 1 it. We learn "Yamim l'Yamim" from "Yamim Tihyeh Ge'ulaso" (Vayikra 25:29).


Radak: We could say that he grew his hair for pride and beauty; he would shave 2 it once a year when it became too hard to bear it.


Tosfos (4a): He did not totally shave it, for [shortly] after this he was hung by his hair (18:9).


If he wanted to lighten his hair, why did he shave, and not simply cut it to shorten it? Granted, if he was a Nazir Olam, [some say that] he is permitted only [to shave part] with a razor. (PF)


How much is 200 Shekalim?


Malbim: It was an astounding weight 1 , especially according to the Midrash that all Shekalim in Nevi'im are Litrim!


It was almost two kilos, and according to the Midrash (a Litra is 100 Zuz), about 50 kilos!


What is "Even ha'Melech"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is the king's weight. This is like "Lo Yihyeh b'Kischa Even va'Aven" (Devarim 25:13), i.e. [different] weights.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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