What should Hashem teach to him?
Radak: Help me to learn Chachmah, in order to know what is Hashem's desire, and I will do it!
Malbim: In place of the enemy of my soul pursuing to make me sin, teach me to do Your desire.
Why did he say "Ki Atah Elokai"?
Radak: I recognize that You alone have power and ability, and You judge the world and conduct it.
What is the meaning of "Ruchacha Tovah Tancheni"?
Radak: The power of supreme Ru'ach should guide me.
Malbim: Ru'ach ha'Kodesh should guide me.
What is "b'Eretz Mishor"?
Radak: In a straight path, that I will not stumble in it.
Malbim: The verse depicts straightness as an object that dwells in a particular land.