
"Gedulasecha" is written with a Yud, but we pronounce it without a Yud!


Radak: His great acts are many regarding the receiver, but from Hashem's perspective, they are like one 1 .


Radak: There are 10 expressions in this Mizmor - Gedulah, Gevurah, Ma'aseh, Hod, Kavod, Tov, Tzedakah, Malchus, Nifla'os, and Nora'os. There is a known reason for this. They are not precise; each applies also when one of the others is mentioned.


Why do they discuss Nora'osav, and David discusses Gedulasav?


Radak: Really, both discuss both of them! Refer to 145:6:1:1*.


Malbim: They tell wonders that He did to punish those who rebel against Him, e.g. the Makos in Egypt and Korach's congregation. Via them, they fear Your punishment, as if You are awesome to punish. David tells His Gedulah, not due to fear and Din, rather, due to grandeur, to benefit those who love His name.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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