
What is the "Mishpat Kasuv"?


Rashi: "V'Nasati Es Nikmasi be'Edom" (Yechezkel 25:14). Even though David said this before Yechezkel was born, he had Nevu'ah about the Ketz of Ge'ulah 1 , and when the Ketz will come, this Mishpat will have been written for a long time.


Radak: "Im Shanosi b'Rak Charbi v'Sochaz b'Mishpat Yadi" (Devarim 32:41).


What forced Rashi to say so? It suffices to say that he had Ru'ach ha'Kodesh about the verse, which implies that the vengeance will be in the future! (PF)


Why does it say "Hadar Hu l'Chol Chasidav"?


Radak: That day will be glory for all His Chasidim.


Malbim: [Destroying the Kena'ani nations] will not appear like cruelty; it is glory for His Chasidim that they fulfilled His command, and did not follow investigation of man's intellect and laws, like Sha'ul [erred, and] had mercy on Agag and the best of the flock and cattle.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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