
Why did he say "Atah Yadata"?


Radak: You know what they do to me, what they say about those who rebuke them.


What is the meaning of "Al l'Erech Apecha Tikacheni"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Do not let my shame last long. Do not leave my quarrel for Your patience for anger, rather, quickly avenge for me!


Radak: If You will be patient with anger against them, do not take me, i.e. do not kill me, in order that I will see Your vengeance against them.


Malbim: After Yirmeyah heard that his end will be good at the time of the Churban, he asked Hashem to punish those who rose against him to kill him, before the Churban, like he prayed above (12:3). Even though You are patient with anger for what they sinned against You, do not be patient for what they do against me. Also, do not take my afflictions to atone for the generation, for via this You would be patient with anger.


What is "Se'esi"?


Rashi: It is my burden.


Why did he say "Da Se'esi..."?


Radak: Show them that You know, and it is not hidden from You.


Why did he say "Alecha"?


Rashi: It is for your sake.


Malbim: Since they disgrace me due to You, they blaspheme You, via denying Your Nevu'ah. If so, their sin increases constantly, and You must show them Your hand, lest Your name be profaned.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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