
Having presented Hashem's victory over Pharaoh, and over his army (refer to 15:4:1:1 and its note), what is the Torah discussing now?


Seforno: The Torah is now discussing the destruction of the Egyptians who followed the army 1 as they chased after Yisrael to destroy them - in order to collect the spoils. 2


Refer also to 14:28:2:3.


Seforno: As described in the following Pasuk (15:9). For this miracle, Pasuk 11 will praise Hashem.


What does the Torah mean when it writes, "uv'Ru'ach Apecha"?


Rashi: The Torah sometimes speaks about Hashem in human terms (a language that we understand) - and when a person becomes angry, he breathes hot air from his nostrils, 1 which comes out in short spurts. 2


Rashbam: It refers to the powerful east wind that caused the water to pile up. 3


Da'as Zekenim: Normally, breath from the mouth is cold, and from the nose is hot. Here was a double miracle - His [hot] breath from the nose froze the water, and His [cold] breath from the mouth melted the frozen water (15:10). 4


Kol Eliyahu: Just like Hashem 'breathed' into Adam, and this gave him Chochmah, likewise the water received Chochmah 5 - like Targum Onkelos explains.


Rashi: See for example, Tehilim 18:9, and Iyov 4:9 .


Rashi: This explains why the Pasuk always refers to anger with the expression "Charon Af" or just "Charah" (which means hot (burning)). See Rashi, who dwells at length on this point.


See above, 14:22.


Da'as Zekenim: For this double miracle, we offered the doubled praise "Mi Kamocha" (15:11).


Aderes Eliyahu: Pharaoh was afraid of the water, which froze, so he would think that he has a secure path to catch Yisrael.


What is the meaning of "Ne'ermu Mayim"?


Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos): It means that by the command of Hashem, 1 the water became wise. 2


Rashi #2, Seforno, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: It means that the water piled up into a heap. 3


Hadar Zekenim: It means that the water was able to sing Shirah.


Refer to 15:8:2:4 .


To pile up, thereby creating a path for Yisrael to pass through and to subsequently drown the Egyptians (See Sifsei Chachamim). See also Peirush Yonasan.


Rashi: To conform to the next words "Nitzevu Kemo Neid, Nozelim."


What are the connotations of "Kafe'u Tehomos b'Lev Yam"?


Rashi, Rashbam and Seforno: The sea-bed congealed. 1 It became hard like stone, and the water proceeded to hurl the Egyptians on to it (Rashi), 2 or to enable Yisrael to cross without difficulty (Seforno).


Rosh (to 14:26): Just like a person's heart is a third (below the top of his height), also the heart of the sea. The top third split, and below that congealed. 3 Da'as Zekenim adds, that had all the water split down to the Tehom (the sea floor), Bnei Yisrael would not have been able to come up. 4


Rashi and Rashbam: Like cheese - see Iyov 10:10.


Refer also to 15:4:3:1.


Rosh: Parshas Tzitzis was written about Yetzi'as Mitzrayim (it is mentioned at the end of that Parsha - Bamidbar 15:41; also refer to 14:5:155). Therefore Chazal said (Menachos 39a) to make the threads a third windings, and the rest straight.


Because the slope would have been too steep (PF). Also refer to 14:21:152:1 .


What is our praise of Hashem in this Pasuk?


Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 47, p. 190): Although the Mitzrim were nothings, like straw, before Hashem, perhaps the very fact that it was a mighty blow 1 was an exertion or a bother for Him? We say that on the contrary, it was like "a breath of His nostrils." All of His deeds are with wisdom, and with the proper measure. 2


As above, 15:5:3:1 and 15:7:1:2 .


The following Pasuk (15:9) will describe why Hashem did such to them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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