
What is "Lachmi"?


Rashi: It is the manna.


Radak: Lechem includes all foods; after, it details Soles, oil and honey.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is Tuvi (My good).


Malbim: It is bread; in addition, I fed to you Soles, oil and honey.


Did she offer His bread to the idols?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Ki Sisa 14): Yes. They day that they made the Egel, manna fell for them. They put some in front of the Egel. Even so, the manna did not cease the next day. "Af Ki Asu Lahem Egel Masechah?; v'Atah b'Rachamecha ha'Rabim Lo Azavtam; ? u'Mancha Lo Manata mi'Pihem" (Nechemyah 9:18-20) ? they deserved that You withhold it from them, but You did not.


Radak: Yes. I gave it to you to eat, and you gave it for a Korban in front of the idols!


What is the grammatical form of "u'Nsatihu"?


Radak: The latter Tov is for feminine conjugation. The Yud is to extend the Chirik before the pronoun at the end. This is like "Lo v'Machteres Metzasim" (Yirmeyah 2:34; you did not find them?)


Malbim: It is first person (I was forced to give it in front of them). Since I did not cease to feed you, and you offer it to them, it is as if I put it in front of them.


Why does it say "va'Yehi Ne'um Hashem Elokim"?


Rashi: Hashem word [to give manna each day] did not cease the day after the Egel [even though they deserved that it be withheld from them].


Radak: All this was; you cannot deny it. I know, and I am the witness.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is said in astonishment. Did not all these occur? Hashem Elokim said so.


Malbim: After she tore her garment, she did not get others in place of them (16). Here it teaches that Hashem continued to give food after they offered to the idols.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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