
Why does it mention her abominations and Zenus?


Radak: With all that you did to anger me, you did not remember the Chesed that I did with you in your youth, when you were naked.


Malbim: Via all of the, you came to this Midah that you did not remember at all your previous state, when you were naked. Had you remembered your state n Egypt, and the miracles that I did for you, you would have feared Hashem's punishment ? He can return you to slavery, like you had in Egypt! Via your Zenus you totally forgot Hashem, and attribute everything to chance.


What did she not remember from her youth?


Rashi: The Chesed that I did with you in Egypt.


It is written Zacharti, and we pronounce it Zachart!


Radak: The Kesiv teaches that I did not 'remember' for you in your youth that you will sin, and I had mercy on you.


Above (6), it says "Misboseses b'Damayich" (plural) Why does it say here "b'Damech" (singular)?


Radak: These are the same. We find that the plural is used for Demei Leidah ? "Teshev bi'Dmei Taharah" (Vayikra 12:4), for there are different places in a woman from where blood comes ? the Cheder, Aliyah and Pruzdor, and there are different appearances of blood. They are called Dam (singular) as a Klal.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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