
Why will He judge you "Mishpetei No'afos v'Shofechos Dam"?


Radak: Both judgments, of an adulterer and a murderer, apply to you ? sometimes an adulteress murders, for two men come to her for Zenus, and they quarrel over her, or her husband comes to the house suddenly and finds the adulterer with his wife, and one of the men kills the other.


Radak (according to the Nimshal): So you are Mezanah under your husband (Hashem), and you spilled innocent blood, of your sons and daughters, to idolatry.


Malbim: This is like it says "b'Saznusayich? vechi'Dmei Vanayich" (36).


How will He make her blood, anger and envy?


Rashi and Radak, citing Targum Yonasan: I will hand you over to those who kill amidst anger [and envy 1 ]. Radak ? I have anger against you, for you angered Me with your evil deeds. I have Kin'ah ? "Hem Kin'uni v'Lo Kel" (Devarim 32:21). Also in Mishlei, it says "Ki Kin'ah Chamas Gaver v'Lo Yachmol b'Yom Nakam" (Mishlei 6:34).


Malbim: Dam Chemah is due to murder, and Kin'ah is due to adultery ? "Ki Kin'ah Chamas Gaver."


Our text of Yonason, like Radak's, does not mention envy. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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