
What do we learn from "b'Terem Tigaleh Ra'asech"?


Radak: You did not repent before your evil was revealed in the days of Achaz.


What do we learn from "Kemo Es Cherpas Bnos Aram"?


Rashi: Just like you were exiled when I handed you over to the kings of Aram, who came against Achaz at that time, Hashem began to send troops of Aram into Yehudah (Melachim II, 15:37), and handed him over to Malchei Aram - "va'Yitenehu... b'Yad Malchei Aram...; u'Flishtim Pashtu b'Arei ha'Shefelah veha'Negev..." (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:5, 18).


Radak: This is when the evil of Yehudah was revealed. They were shamed in the cities of Aram. They were taken captive there - "va'Yitenehu... b'Yad Melech Aram va'Yaku Vo Shivyah Gedolah va'Yavi'u Darmasek" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:5).


Malbim: When your evil is revealed, Bnos Aram and Bnos Pelishtim will revile you, for you were like Sedom in your deeds and punishment. "v'Ra'u Es Makos ha'Aretz; ... k'Mahpechas Sedom va'Amorah..." (Devarim 29:21-22). At the time of your pride, Sedom was in your mouth like you will be in the mouths of Aram and Pelishtim.


What did the Pelishtim do?


Rashi: They spread into the cities of the south and the plain...


Radak: They plundered them and took their cities - "u'Flishtim Pashtu b'Arei ha'Shefelah veha'Negev li'Yhudah va'Yilkedu Es Beis Shemesh... va'Yeshevu Sham" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:18).


What are "ha'Shatos"?


Rashi: It is an expression of disgrace. The Aleph is silent 1 . The Targum of "va'Yivez" (Bereishis 25:34) is v'Shat. Radak - this is like "ha'Shatim Osam" (28:24).


Radak: It is silent also in "v'Kam Sha'on" (Hoshe'a 10:14).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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