Why does it say "Ateres Tif'eres Seivah"?
Malbim: People must honor elders, for [many] days tested them, and they did much good, and they complete their purpose.
Why does it mention Tzedakah together with glory in old age?
Rashi: Tzedakah lengthens one's days.
R. Yonah: It comes to discuss the attribute of Tzedakah. It begins with the praise of old age - it is among the honored crowns, for this is when man's Da'as is complete 1 . Also, he became wise via his experiences, and understands his end. Since he can yearn for this crown, this will encourage him to desire [giving] Tzedakah, for old age is found in the way of Tzedakah. It says "Mi ha'Ish he'Chafetz Chaim;
Magihah citing Kinim 3:6: When Chachamim get old, their Da'as is settled on them.