
Was this the first Avodah that the Kohen Gadol performed on Yom Kipur morning?


Ramban (on Pasuk 23, DH 've'Hinei'): No! The first Avodah was that of the Korban Tamid. 1 Currently, the Pasuk is only concerned with Avodas ha'Yom, which it describes from beginning to end.


Ramban: Which Aharon performed wearing the Bigdei Zahav and which the Torah takes for granted.


If the Torah is referring to the Korbanos of Yom Kipur, why does the Torah write "be'Zos", and not "be'Eilu"?


Rashi #1: "be'Zos" - Gematriya four hundred and ten - hints at the first Beis-ha'Mikdash, which stood for four hundred and ten years.


Rashi #2: It refers to the Ketores - to teach Aharon that even with the Ketores, he is only permitted to enter the Kodesh Kodashim on Yom Kipur. 1


Ramban (citing Midrash Rabah): It refers to the many merits that accompany the Kohen Gadol when he enters the Kodesh Kodashim on Yom Kipur, 2 for all of which the Torah writes the word "Zos". 3


Seforno: To teach Aharon that he may only enter the Kodesh Kodashim if he adheres to the procedure that follows. 4


Yoma, 4a: It refers to the obligation to separate from his wife seven days prior to Yom Kipur - which we learn from the Shiv'as Y'mei ha'Milu'im. 5


Riva (citing the Sifra): Refer to 16:15:151:1.


See Sifsei Chachamim.


This is connected esoterically with the Pasuk in Bereishis 9:17 in connection with the rainbow - "Zos Os ha'Beris asher Hakimosi (Ramban).


Torah - Devarim, 4:44; Milah - Lech-L'cha, 17:10; Shabbos - Yeshayah, 56:2; Yerushalayim - Yechezkel, 5:5; The Shevatim - Vay'chi, 49:28; Yehudah - ve'Zos ha'Berachah, 33:7; K'neses Yisrael - Shir ha'Shirim, 7:8; Terumah - Terumah, 25:3; Ma'asros - Mal'achi, 3:10; Korbanos - Acharei-Mos, 16:3.


With a bull as a Chatas and a goat as an Olah; wearing the four plain white Begadim, not after bringing the Olah, but in order to burn the Ketores - immediately after Shechitah of the Chatas (Seforno).


See Torah Temiah, note 10, and refer to 8:34:1:2.


Having written in the previous Pasuk "ve'Al Yavo be'Chol Eis el ha'Kodesh, why does the Torah repeat "be'Zos Yavo Aharon el ha'Kodesh"? What is "el ha'Kodesh coming to include (See ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah)?


Sifra: It incorporates the second Beis-Hamikdash, when there was no Aron and Kapores, in the prohibition against entering the Kodesh Kodashim without the prescribed Korbanos. 1


See Torah Temiah, note 11.


Did the Kohen Gadol actually enter the Kodesh Kodashim with the bull and the ram?


Yoma, 3a: The Torah is referring to their blood, which it calls "Par" and "Ayil". Consequently, if the bull dies before he manages to sprinkle its blood, the Kohem who replaces him need not brinag another bull - He brings the blood into the Kodesh Kodashim and sprinkles it. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 11.


Why does the Torah omit "Temimim" from all the Korbanos listed here - as it does by all other Korbanos?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because it relied on the fact that it mentions it in connection with the Musaf of Yom Kipur in Pinchas, or because the current Korbanos include the Sa'ir la'Azazel, which did not need to be Tamim. 1


Perhaps the two answers are interdependent. See also Oznayim la'Torah, who gives a third answer.



Rashi writes that "b'Zos" hints at the first Beis-ha'Mikdash, which stood for 410 years. Avodas Yom Kipur wazs done also in Bayis Sheni!


Riva: The Kohanim in Bayis Sheni were unlike Aharon; they were not anointed with Shemen ha'Mishchah; which was hidden in the days of R. Yoshiyah. The verse alludes only to [Avodah of Kohanim Gedolim] similar to Aharon. 1


Even though Shemen ha'Mishchah was hidden before the 410 years finished, the last Kohen anointed served until the end of the 410 years. However, why do we exclude the years of the Mishkan, Gilgal, Shilo, Nov and Giv'on? (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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