What is the meaning of "V'hikriv Aharon ... "?
Rashbam: It means that Aharon brings his bull into the Azarah.
Why does the Torah insert the words "Asher Lo" with regard to the bull, seeing as there was only one bull?
What are the connotations of "Ve'chiper Ba'ado u'Ve'ad Beiso"?
Seforno #2: It means that he brings the bull into the Azarah with the intention of sacrificing it for an atonement. 1
See Sifsei Chachamim and Ba'al ha'Turim
What are the connotations of the words "Ve'chiper Ba'ado u've'Ad Beiso"?
Rashi: It means 'on behalf of his wife'. 1
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means 'on behalf of his fellow-Kohanim'. 2
See Oznayim la'Torah in Pasuk 11.
Rashi (in Pasuk 11): Which are all included in "Beiso" - as in Tehilim, 135:19.
What are the connotations of the words "Vechiper Ba'ado u've'Ad Beiso"?
Yoma, 2a & 13a: "Beiso", 'Zu Ishto' - one wife and not two. If the Kohen Gadol has two wives, he is obligated to divorce one of them before Yom Kipur. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 31.
What does the bull atone for?
Rashi (on Pasuk 11): It atones for Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav. 1
As we will see in Pasuk 16 (Rashi [Ibid.]).
In Chulin 22a, we learn from "Asher Lo" that the bull comes from Aharon's money, and not from the Tzibur or Ma'aser. In Chagigah (8a), we learn from "Misas Nidvas Yadecha" (Devarim 16:10) that every obligation comes from Chulin (and not Ma'aser)! And Shevu'os 14a expounds an extra "Asher Lo" to teach that if Kohanim pay for it, even b'Diavad it is Pasul!
Moshav Zekenim: It says three times "Asher Lo" (also twice in verse 11), to exclude Ma'aser, the Tzibur, and the other Kohanim (who get Kaparah through it). 1
Shevu'os 14a implies that two occurrence of "Asher Lo" exclude Kohanim - l'Chatchilah and b'Diavad! Perhaps the third excludes the Tzibur, and "Misas Nidvas Yadecha" excludes Ma'aser. However, Moshav Zekenim implies that all are learned from "Asher Lo." (PF)