
Who was Chur?


Rashi He was the son of Miriam and Calev.


Why was it necessary for Aharon and Chur to accompany Moshe up on to the hill?


Rashi: They were fasting; 1 and we learn from here that on a fast-day, three people must stand by the Amud. 2


Chizkuni: The Torah needs to mention them, so that, when it writes (in Pasuk 12) that "they took a stone ... ", we know who "they" is referring to.


As they tended to do when they went to war.


The Chazan, and one person on either side, in the way that we do by Kol Nidrei. The Mechilta actually learns this from "v'Aharon v'Chur Tamechu b'Yadav" - (17:12). See Torah Temimah, note 11.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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