What is "Hafle Chasadecha"?
Rashi: This is [make special,] like "v'Niflinu Ani v'Amecha" (Shemos 33:16).
Radak: Separate, like "v'Hifleisi ba'Yom ha'Hu", "v'Niflinu Ani v'Amecha" (Shemos 8:18, 33:16).
Malbim: You must show great Chasadim separated from nature and above it
Why does it say "Moshi'a Chosim mi'Miskomemim bi'Yminecha"?
Rashi: The verse should be re-arranged. Make wondrous Your Chasadim to save with Your right hand those who trust in You [from those who rise against them].
Radak: You, who save those who trust [in You], separate and transfer Your Chesed from those who rise against Your right hand. They know that You said that I should be king. Those who rebel against me, they rebel against You!
Malbim: You must show supernatural Chasadim, due to those who rise against Your right hand. They show themselves as if they are Tzadikim and rise against me with Your help; they say that Your right hand will save them against me. We find that David's enemies said "Elokim Azavo Ridfu", "Ein Yeshu'asah Lo vEi'lokim (71:11, 3:3), as if Elokim sent them to rise against me, and Your right hand will save them in this. Therefore You must show miraculous Chasadim to show that Emes is not with them.