What is the meaning of "ha'Yipalei me'HaSh-m Davar"?
Ramban #1 and Seforno: "Is there anything that is too wondrous for it to come from HaSh-m?" (regarding childbirth). 1
Ramban #2 (citing Targum Onkelus): Is there anything that is hidden from HaSh-m?" (regarding a person's thoughts).
When is "la'Mo'ed," when Sarah would have a son?
Rashi: It is the same time [of year] as now (Pesach), next year. 1
Refer to 17:21:151:1.
One opinion in the Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 11a) is that the angels' visit took place in Tishrei, and Yitzchak was born in Nisan of the same year. How does this opinion interpret our verse? What of verses 17:21 and 18:10 (which seem to mean, 'at this time next year')?
Maharal (Chidushei Agados Vol. 1, p. 98, to Rosh Hashanah 11a): According to that opinion, the word "la'Mo'ed" in our verse means, "on the next festival." 1 (It was now the Sukos season, and Yitzchak would be born on Pesach. 2 ) Regarding the other verses, refer to 18:10:2.2:1. 3
In this Pasuk, the Torah does not elaborate to which Mo'ed it refers. See the Gemara with Maharal (loc. cit.) for more details.
Why was Yitzchak born in Nisan, while Avraham and Yaakov were born in Tishrei (according to this opinion)? Refer to 18:10:2.3.
Also refer to 17:21:151.1:1; also refer to 17:26:1.1.
Rashi writes: "'Is [anything] too wondrous? (ha'Yipalei)' - As Targum renders it, 'Is [anything] concealed?" Is this an accurate translation of "wondrous"?
Gur Aryeh: The root Peh-Lamed-Alef means separating or distancing. 1 Concealing is a related concept, because something concealed is inaccessible to a person.
Gur Aryeh: See, for example, Bamidbar 6:2 regarding vows of Nezirus.
Rashi writes: "'At the appointed time' (la'Mo'ed) - At the time that I told you before." Why doesn't Rashi explain simply - 'on this date, next year'?
Gur Aryeh: It was now the third day since the Bris Milah - when HaSh-m had already promised, "at this time next year" (17:21). Our verse must refer to the previously established date.