Why does it say "v'Al Yoshvei"?
Rashi: This is like El Yoshvei. Also "va'Tispalel Al Hashem" (Shmuel I, 1:10) is like El Hashem.
Why does it say "Yotzer Aleichem Ra'ah"?
Radak: He forms a new evil. He uses this expression, because in the above Parshah of an earthenware potter he makes new Kelim. He makes this Kli, and afterwards a different Kli unlike the first. So I will make a new evil for you after [the previous] evil.
What intent does Hashem have?
Malbim: At the same time that I make a decree for evil, I intend that man repent from his evil way.
Why does it say "Shuvu
Malbim: Repent from the past, and fix your ways of the Nefesh and Midos for the future - like the broken Kli that is made into another Kli.
What are "Ma'aleleichem"?
Malbim: They are actions that come from your ways; fix you thoughts and deeds!