
What do we learn from "Kol ha'Nefashos Li Henah"?


Rashi: Why would a son be stricken if he did not sin against Me? He is Mine!


Radak: Refer to 18:3:1:1.


Malbim: Regarding the body, a son is related to his father, who begat him. Fathers bequeath to their sons bodily illnesses and natures. Illnesses of the Nefesh depend on choice. The sons' Nefesh cannot be punished due to his father's Nefesh. The Nefashos are Mine ? the father's Nefesh is not a root of the son's, or a trunk from which the son's exudes; he has no Kinyan in it. They are a 'part' of Hashem above!


What do we learn from "Nefesh ha'Choteis Hi Sanus"?


Refer to 18:2:4:3.


Radak (6): This refers to a desirous Nefesh. It sins with the body ? "Nefesh Ki Sechta" (Vayikra 4:2). It is punished with the body ? hunger, illness and captivity. All this is called death; bad life is considered death. Several Nevi'im requested death, e.g. Iyov.


Malbim: Only the sinner will die ? a son will not die for his father's son.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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