Why does the Torah insert the word "Kol" by the man but not by the woman?
Torah Temimah: In order to include birds, which is not applicable to a woman. 1
As the Gemara explains in Zevachim, 85b.
Why does the Torah write "Lo Sitein Shechavt'cha" and not "Lo Sishkav", as it did in the previous Pasuk?
Sanhedrin, 54b: To teach us that he will also be Chayav if he brings the animal on himself - 'Al Tikri S'chavt'cha", Ela 'Shechivascha' 1
See Torah Temimah, note 71.
What if s man performs bestiality on one animal and brings another animal on himself simultaneously?
Sanhedrin, 54b: Refer to 18:22:1:1*.
What are the connotations of "Tevel Hu"?
Rashi #1: It is an expression of profanity, immorality and adultery. 1
Rashi #2: It is an expression of a mixture - the seed of man with that of an animal.
Nedarim 51a: It questions the sinner ? 'Are TaVLin (spices) in it? Why does a woman prefer it to intimacy with humans?
As in Yeshayah, 10:25.