What are the connotations of "min ha'Eish"?
Rashi, Seforno and Rashbam: It teaches us that the Kohanim may only eat Kodshei Kodashim after the Emurim have been placed on the Mizbe'ach to burn. 1
Kidushin, 52b: It teaches us that if a Kohen is Mekadesh a woman with his portion of Kodshei Mizbe'ach, the Kidushin is invalid - since, like the Mizbe'ach (consumes its portion), 2 he is obligated to eat his portion.
Targum Yonasan: It refers to what rmemains from the Olah of a lamb after it has been burnt. 3
What is "Kol Korbanam" referring to?
Rashi: It refers to the Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur that the Tzibur bring on Shavu'os.
Menachos 73a: It comes to include the leftovers of the Log of oil of the Metzora. 1
What are the four times it says "Kol" in the Pasuk coming to include?
Menachos, 73a: "Kol Korbanam", comes to include the leftovers of the Log of oil of the Metzora, 1 "Kol Minchasam" - the Minchas ha'Omer and the Minchas Kena'os of a Sotah, 2 "Kol Chatasam" - the Chatas ha'Of, 3 and "Kol Ashamam" - includes the Asham Nazir and Asham Metzora. 4
Despite the fact that they do not come to atone - See Torah Temimah, citing Menachos (Ibid.) and note 29.
Despite the fact that it is Neveilah - See Torah Temimah, citing Menachos (Ibid.) and note 30.
Despite the fact that it comes to be Machshir and not to atone - See Torah Temimah, citing Menachos (Ibid.) and note 31.
What is "Asher Yashivu Li" coming to include?
Rashi and Rashbam: It comes to include Gezel ha'Ger. 1
In a case that the Ger died and did not leave behind any heirs. See Torah Temimah, note 32.
Why does the Torah add "l'cha Hu u'le'Vanecha"?