What is the meaning of "Le'at Li la'Na'ar"?
Rashi: If he is presented in front of you in war, have mercy on him.
Radak: If you encounter him, do not kill him, lest I see evil come upon him. Even though he did evil to me, I am a father to be merciful. "Le'at" is gently - do not come with anger to strike him, like would be proper. Guard him for me!
Malbim: Be gentle with him for my sake, for I am his father.
Why did David command to have mercy on Avshalom?
Malbim: He saw that Avshalom did not want to kill him (this is why Avshalom preferred Chushai's counsel).
Malbim citing Ralbag: The Navi told him that the rebellion is due to David's sin.
David spoke to Yo'av, Avishai and Itai. Why does it say that he commanded all the officers?