Where on the mountain must Eliyahu stand?
Radak: He stands in the opening of the cave, and this is called "va'Har". It was on the slope or at the top, but not at the bottom.
Malbim (13): It is in the middle of the mountain.
What is the meaning of "Hashem Over"?
Radak: Hashem's honor will pass in front of him. This is like it says about Moshe "va'Ya'avor Hashem Al Panav" (Shemos 34:6).
Radak (13, citing Targum Yonasan): Hashem will be revealed, and in front of Him.
What is "Ru'ach Gedolah"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: A camp of angels of wind.
Did the wind truly break mountains and rocks?
Radak: This is an exaggeration.
Who said "Lo va'Ru'ach Hashem"?
Radak: A voice said so. The same applies to "Lo va'Ra'ash Hashem" and "Lo va'Esh Hashem" (verse 12).
What is the meaning of "Lo va'Ru'ach Hashem"?
Radak: Kevod Hashem is not the Kavod seen in the wind.
Malbim: Yechezkel saw a stormy wind, a great cloud, and a shower of fire - three shells that surround the nut and the fruit. Also Eliyahu saw wind, noise of a cloud, and fire, and saw that Hashem is not in them. They were walls and screens between Kodesh [and our world]; evil comes from them. Refer to 19:12:2:3*.
What is "va'Ra'ash"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: A camp of angels of noise.
Radak: The mountain made noise.