How will we reconcile the current Pasuk - "va'Yeired Hashem al Har Sinai" with the Pasuk in 20:19, "Ki min ha'Shamayim Dibarti Imachem"?
Rashi #1: Hashem bent the upper and lower Heavens and spread them on Har Sinai like a sheet, on to which He then lowered the Kisei ha'Kavod.
Rashi #2 (20:19): His Kavod remained in the Heaven, but His Fire and His Might descended to the earth. 1
Based on the Pasuk in Devarim, 4:36 (Rashi).
Bearing in mind the Pasuk in Tehilim "ha'Shamayim Shamayim la'Hashem", what does the Torah mean when it writes "Vayeired Hashem al Har Sinai"?
Sukah, 5a: Hashem only came down to a point that is above ten Tefachim (of the point where the Heaven begins). 1
See Torah Temimah on Pasuk #3, note 8.
If Hashem chose the lowly Har Sinai to teach us humility, why did He call Moshe to the top of the Mountain.