What did Moshe tell the people?
Targum Yonasan: He told them to come near and to accept the Torah and the Aseres ha'Dibros.
How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, "va'Yeired Moshe," with the Pasuk in Parshas Va'eschanan, which states "Anochi Omeid Bein Hashem u'Veineichem" (Devarim 5:5)? Moreover, Hashem told Moshe and Aharon to ascend, and furthermore, why does the Torah not write that Moshe descended 'Min ha'Har El ha'Am,' like it did in 19:14 above?
Moshav Zekenim (citing the Chasid): Moshe descended only half the mountain, and called to the people and warned them, and he called to Aharon to ascend, at which point Hashem began to say "Anochi...."